Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Working the Floor

               So when I was younger my Mother used to work for a small company. The company was run by a husband and wife who had a daughter just about my age. Every once in while while my mother would work, I would spend the day with her boss's daughter and we became great friends and a staple to each other's families.

     Fast forward several years after we went to separate schools and such:

             I get a call from my mother's old bosses (the Letti family). The Letti Family were changing their home office and wanted someone they trusted to help. Of course I said yes.

           When I show up they explain the situation a bit better which is that due to the use of certain chemicals the rug floor was no longer an option and they instead needed tile. I was there to move out the desks and cabinets, tear up the rug and post boards, re level the floor and lay the tile. Sounded fun to me so I got straight to work.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            The room wasn't too big but getting the stuff out was honestly harder because of that. I would have provided before and after photos of their actual office set up but I was not given permissions. Sorry guys.
                                                                                                                                           The rug cleaned up nicely. I slid a hook under the corner board and started the tedious task of carefully lifting the carpet. The Letti family wished to give the carpet to someone else so I had to avoid any potential tears.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Eventually Mr Letti came in to help keep the rug rolled while I taped it up. Same with the under liner pad

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The slow part was over. 

Now it was time for the post boards. These are really easy if you know what you are doing. The only tricky part is avoiding the small yet very sharp nails that cover these boards.

        In case you didn't guess, I used this opportunity to wear the Null Ridge pants in Kelp Khaki. They were light weight and comfortable. Their thinness does not provide terribly much protection, however their sturdiness and reliability was confirmed time and time again as I accidentally snagged the boards on myself.


 In these photos I am trying to capture the streaks on my pants left by nails and tools and such. It's hard to see with my phone camera, but even though I felt the nails occasionally stab and snag at me, the pants showed no wear. The only visible effect is the dirt of the nails clinging to the pants.

All in all another win for AidenOttis. 

P.s. The tiling and leveling portion was too busy for photos. It had started to get late and I really had no time; apologies.